Saturday, December 5, 2009

Day after

Not really shopping....with these times not much $ for shopping. We
went to FAO Schwartz at Caesar's Palace. Lana had a blast but ended up getting a big bruise on her head. Some of the wall are glass and she walked right into one (twice).

Thanksgiving 2009

This year for Thanksgiving Angelo was at Alex's so it was just Shane, Lana, Uncle King and myself (kind of). I got the flu Wednesday night so I spent Thanksgiving in bed and in the bathroom which left Shane doing all the cooking. He did a great job. He cooked the turkey, made mashed potatoes, stuffing and he has always made awesome gravy. In the middle of all that Lana started throwing up....As always Uncle King came to the rescue. I am so lucky and very thankful to have this wonderful family.

It is like I am learning all over again.....the pictures are backwards....start at the bottom instead of the top.

After a long day of cooking and taking care of his girls.

Uncle and Lana trying to make daddy's back feel better.

King and Lana playing. She is normally running around but
this time she was not feeling to good.

Shane is just finishing up dinner.

Finally Bought Another Camera!!!!

Here is little miss Lana trying on her new hat and gloves.

It has been way too long......I lost my camera at the beach early this summer. We just bought another one.

Here is a picture of Angelo and Morgan playing Twister.