Saturday, May 2, 2009


For Easter we went to California.

For Easter Jackie made baskets for all the kids and did an
Easter Egg hunt.

Dad's taking a break.

Isn't she COOL with her shades!

Here is Taylor with her 3 month old cousin.

After the Easter Egg hunt at the church.

Bring Your Son To Work Day

I had such a great time. Angelo was a big help but he didn't

stop with my job. He wanted to learn about everyones jobs.

Monster Trucks

Angelo, Messi, Shane & King went to the monster truck races.
Angelo loves Grave Digger.

Look what happens with Grandma comes to visit!

Mom is not a girly girl and it drives Grandma nuts! She
wants to see Taylor in dresses. This is the outfit she bought
her for Easter. She decided she better get pictures before
Taylor grew out of it. She is 6 months old and wearing 12
month clothes.