Friday, April 3, 2009

Tar Heels take 2nd Place by 1/2 a game.

The Tar Heels were up for 1st place. They had only lost 1 game. In the final game they went into overtime and then went into double overtime. The refs called it a tie. They had such a great season. Angelo's coach is great. He has been Angelo's Soccer coach for 3 years now.

THis is a picture of Angelo, Tre (Coaches son) and Coach Darin.

Angelo Basketball 2009

Here are some pictures of Angelo playing basketball this year. Angelo loves to play sports. Here at home you rarely see him without a ball in his hand. It is so much fun to watch him play. We are so proud of him!

Taylor and her Daddy

These two have a special bond. Taylor always lights up when she hear's his voice. She is such a happy little girl.

Taylor loves her brother!

Angelo playing the Wii. Taylor loves to watch Angelo play.

She is always mesmerized.

She is so adorable!